Velocity Global

Connecting companies with the best talent on Earth

  • Brand Strategy
  • Research
  • Brand Identity
  • Brand Messaging
  • UX + Visual Design
  • Art Direction

Velocity Global helps companies hire, pay, and manage their dream teams—everywhere. It came to Red Antler for a brand evolution that would reintroduce it as the leader in workforce solutions. To celebrate the brand’s core belief that opportunity should be borderless, we crafted a robust brand world around the concept of “Team Everywhere.”

To emphasize Velocity Global’s reach in 185+ countries, we designed a globe motif that serves as both a graphic device and data visualization tool. By embracing warm colors and lifestyle photography of people balancing work and life responsibilities, we pushed against what’s expected of B2B brands. With a brand identity that is both inviting and inspiring, Velocity Global is transforming the way the world works.