
Inviting travelers to expect more from flight

  • Brand Strategy
  • Naming
  • Brand Identity
  • Brand Messaging
  • UX + Visual Design
  • Art Direction
  • Jet Livery Design
  • Digital Brochure

Flying private promises to eliminate stress, but the category is bogged down by unnecessary restrictions and complexity. Volato’s founders approached us with a vision for an innovative, frictionless private aviation company, and needed a brand that would speak to the world’s most discerning travelers. 

We invented a name that evokes glamor and flight, and from there developed an elegant wordmark that’s ready for take-off. In stark contrast to the competition, our brand system is light, airy, and graceful, conveying both the sophistication and ease of the offering. Rather than leaning on cliched tropes of luxury, we built a brand that could reinvent a stuffy and outdated category through clarity and transparency. Volato offers a fresh step forward for private fliers and invites a new generation into the space.